We collaborated with Uto Beer down in London on this one. The expert Borough Market beer mongers were fancying an all English hopped special pale for the Summer. One that really makes the hops sing.
We landed on some of our favourite hop varieties and got to work. Extra Pale Maris Otter was paired with Cara Gold malt for a subtle sweetness and some oats bolster the body. A heavy dose of Admiral hops at the end of the boil met modest handfuls of Endeavour and Pilgrim. Then, similar to the core range pale, Cascade and Ernest were added at the dry hop stage but in larger quantities.
The result? A juicy, light and super dry hoppy pale ale bursting with flavours of intense apricots, freshly cut oranges and limes. Expect tropical and citrus aromatics. Green fruit pastels come to mind and there’s even a bit of Irn Bru at first smell. Then it’s all finished off with a pithy dryness and satisfying bitterness.