5.3% ABV
Lucania is a Scottish Plum Porter brewed in collaboration with the wonderful Closet Brewing. I’ve been loving what these lovely people have been up to the past few years, and was over the moon when they accepted the invite to come over for a brew.
The beer itself is a bit of a homage to Titanic Brewery’s famous iteration of the style. Luckily Lizzie & Lucy from Closet Brewing were on board with the idea. With their hands on approach and expert inputs a chocolatey Porter with sumptuous plummy notes was produced.
100g per litre of 100% natural Perthshire plum purée, of the Victoria, Opal and Marjorie's Seedling variety, was added across the boil and in the fermenter. A very small amount of natural plum essence was also added at the end of a very long conditioning period to conjure up an intriguing sweetness.
The result is delicious. The colour is a deep red mixed with a hazy purplish tint. A creamy tan head lofts up smells of dusty milk chocolate. The plums pair perfectly with the darker roasted malts to create chocolate coated confectionery flavours. Tangy Turkish Delights come to mind but it's not saccharine. In fact the dry and smooth finish takes over mid palate before any of the sweeter flavours take hold.
All in all it's a juicy indulgent treat of a Porter well suited for the cozy nights we have to look forward to.