Cone Zone V2
3.9% ABV
Those with keen memories may remember our Double IPA using Glasgow grown hops last year. We were so pleased with the quality of the hops that we went back to harvest this year's crop.
This time we have gone in a different direction: Cone Zone V2 is a classic 3.9% Green Hop Harvest Ale. We wanted to see what the Scottish Cascade really had to offer, so no other hop was added at the end of the boil. Six kilograms of the freshly picked Cascade were added at flameout and in the hop stand. Ordinarily, this is a large amount for such a small brew (6000g in a 375L brew: 16g/L), but a lot of that weight is moisture still retained in the undried green hops. The flavour and aroma is not as intense as a result.
The beer displays delicate citrus, green fruit and herbaceous aromas. When tasting soft flavours of green pepper and pink grapefruit arise with a hint of cassis. A nostalgic foam banana sweetie flavour is present too. All in all it’s lagery, very food friendly and easy going.
Despite it’s subtlety and lightness there is a definite hop character to Cone Zone V2 that provides great thirst quenching satisfaction and taste. And at only 3.9% abv it is a perfect session strength ale. Perhaps something we all need in the fridge for the sometimes over indulgent season ahead of us!
A huge thank you once again to Gary for allowing us to harvest and use the hops. (Thank you to him, Tam and Fran for the help in harvesting too).
Call me a nerd, but it’s genuinely exciting to see what the future holds for Scottish hops. I’m sure there are many folk out there who agree and already grow their own aromatic and impressive cones on well established bines. I already look forward to Cone Zone V3 next year where we can increase the yield by harvesting another varietal, somewhere nearby I’m sure. (@monicawilde I’m looking at you!)