Sweet Fuggle
2.1% ABV
Sweet Fuggle is a fresh Table Beer hopped with (yes you guessed it): Fuggles! The brew celebrates the marvellous hop and how satisfyingly guilt free a Table Beer can be when done right. A bounty of Scottish oats and a high finishing gravity means that this wee beer is not lacking in body or mouthfeel. Expect delicate citrus and floral aromas followed by well grounded hedgerow and plush berry flavours.
The incredible photo on the label is of the launching of the ‘JO SELJE’, taken in 1993 at the Kvaerner shipyard, Govan. Photographed by local photographer, Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert).
Jeremy very kindly offered to take some photos of the brewery too and I’m very glad he did. It occurred to me that the process at Dookit Brewing hasn’t been shared in great detail and so here are a few snapshots. (Cheers Jeremy!) You may see why the name Dookit Brewing was decided on. It’s just me, myself and I on the production and packaging side, making beer in a very small, Dookity like space, in the East End of Glasgow. Please flick through to see me most likely rambling on about temperature and pH, various shots of the mash in and a shout out to the mightily squeaky wee labeller that is still going strong (any suggestions for a name would be most welcomed! Perhaps ‘Squeaker’).